December 16, 2012

  • Here's something to think about the next time we're tempted to blame bad parenting when a young person picks up a gun and goes on a rampage.  I remember when the do-gooders had so many mental hospitals closed, thinking the people would be taken in by family or friends or could manage on their own.  That resulted in myriads of homeless people who were at the mercy of those who wanted to take advantage of them.  Now there aren't the facilities needed to treat all those with mental illnesses unless you're very rich and can afford private institutions.  And it's very difficult to get treatment for the mentally ill if they don't agree to treatment.  Most of them don't and won't.

    How many young people like the boy in this story are out there?  Way too many.  What are we doing to provide places where they can get treatment?  Not much.

    (Thanks to Joan for this reference.)

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  • For anyone out there who thinks this is exaggerated - no, it's not. My 40+ year old retarded nephew is one of those who doesn't feel physical pain. At different times, he had blood poisoning, a broken leg, and other physical "hurts" and he never said a word about it. He truly didn't feel it. He is incredibly strong and at times, his dad had to call police to help control him. When he got mad, watch out. Yet give him a job, such as helping make applesauce and he would work forever. He has compassion and a work ethic. Fortunately now he is living in a home for special people like him. I agree with what you wrote...there needs to be something done to open up safe places for people such as my nephew - where they are safe for themselves and others. Take away the mental "health" stigma and state what it really is - parts of the brain are handicapped - never to be reclaimed. Oh how I grieve with those families in Sandy Hook. May God stay close to you.

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